Secret to Loving Sales, and Becoming a Top Sales Professional in Any Field

Have you noticed that everyone wants to have a booming and flourishing internet business, but if you mention the need to do some selling in order to market your business, the vast majority of people run for the hills. It's really a very interesting phenomenon. Why do so many people hate, fear or break out in hives, whenever the topic of sales comes up?

Probably the biggest reason for all this distress is our pre-conceived image of what a salesman is, and what they do to us. I'm sure we all have this very negative picture of the classic "used car salesman," who traps us into buying that junk on wheels or that traveling vacuum cleaner salesman who pushes his way into our home and won't leave until he yanks money out of our pockets. None of us want to be like that, yet at the same time, there's probably that tiny bit of envy for that person who has the courage and personal self confidence to be able to put themselves in our face, and sell us something.

There probably are people who try to sell things like that. Some of them may actually succeed in making a sale or two. The truth is, that is totally NOT what the professional sales person is or does. It's very safe to say that anyone who practiced those outlandish and obnoxious methods, would definitely crash and burn before ever realizing any success in sales.

Salesmanship is a honed skill that requires practice and training. It requires the person to be a professional, and to practice excellent communication skills. Of course, it's important that the salesperson be self confident and not afraid to approach and talk to strangers. However, EFFECTIVE communication skills include the ability and knowledge of knowing when NOT to talk, but rather to LISTEN.

I have written several articles on how to conduct a successful sales presentation. I respectfully invite you to look them over, when you have the moment. However, what I want to stress in this article is a very important factor that every sales professional must always remember, if they want to consistently earn those commissions.

If you keep your focus on doing what's right and best for your customer, you will find that you will close more sales, and work less hard at doing it. The reason for this is very simple. People, whenever they have the choice, will always opt to do business with people they like and trust. When your customer honestly feels that you are looking after their best interests, they will continually seek you out. You will find that rather than handling objections and overcoming sales pitch armor, you will be doing a lot more referring, which always leads to more repeat business.

It's a sad truth, but in today's world, people have become more cynical and more skeptical. They EXPECT to be lied to and taken advantage of...especially from people they perceive as salesmen. If you don't think this is so, how do YOU react, when you are first approached by a new salesman? By treating your customer with respect and honesty, and listening to what they want and then giving them that, you build your own credibility. You will truly begin to stand apart from your competition, and people will seek you out, to do business with you.

Promise more than is expected and deliver on it, and you will also find that you will love being a sales professional. That's when this becomes one of the greatest careers, around.

See you at the top!


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