1,000,000 Dollars For a Domain

The internet has redefined craziness, but what domain name is worth $1,000,000? This domain must be so obviously at the forefront of a huge national or international trend that it begs for that much money and more, or, it's an existing business that is raking in the cash. The business sale isn't as impressive as what it actually is. It seems that someone has purchased all of the domain names that pertain to the campaign for Obama for King. Yeah, it sounds wild, right! It really is, but think of the genius of thinking that far ahead.

What would you have paid for the domain names, obamaforpresident.com, or barackobamaforpresident.com. How many ways could you have made money off of that brand during this past election? It's not even funny to think about. The ad revenue alone would have been in the millions, let alone the email list you could have developed and the ongoing merchandise sales you could have raked in. This past election was a multi-billion dollar enterprise, and those domain names were at the center of the online movement. So the entrepreneur in you says you wish you'd have thought about those names when Obama first hit the national stage. Now, you have a whole new opportunity, though you'll have to pay a little more for it. If you take the entire Obama for King brand and tie it up, that's what you get for a minimum bid of $1,000,000.

Let's be serious, that's a lot of money. But you have to admit the genius in securing those names and the value they hold. There are natural seekers of that internet property, both pro and con. Think about BET or JET, or one of the many political organizations that want to use those names to build their empire even greater. What about MySpace.com or DailyKos.com, or even the DNC. These organizations must be drooling over the prospect of getting those names. The problem is that the RNC, the Drudgereport.com, National Review and World Net Daily have equally compelling reasons to take those names and twist them for their purposes.

I've watched a lot of internet property switch hands over the years. I'm watching Microsoft and Yahoo.com battle each other and Google dance along surpassing everyone. But, in all of the transactions that have taken place, this is the one that will stand out as a beautiful example of setting up camp on the right property before anyone else is even looking. The great thing is that with all of the hooplah surrounding the historical election and the socialist policies of Obama, no one took it to its logical, though extended, conclusion. Obama for King.

The future owner of these sites has purchased themselves a seat at the table of internet history, and most probably at the court of King Barack Obama. There are some things that you can put a price on, then there are things that go far beyond the tangibles. This seems to meet all of the criteria for a fantastic opportunity that can't be defined in dollars.


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