Why would you want to motivate your sales force anyway? Because the better they are, the more money your company makes and everyone is happy.
Usually there are 10% of any sales force producing 90% of the results (sometimes it's just one person), the rest are mediocre and underperform, and the bottom 20% should be fired. But why is that? What makes the top 10% better than the others? Some people say "good sales people are born that way." That may be true for those naturals, but for the rest of the population, they have to be trained with the techniques that the naturals have and use constantly.
1. Get Them To Write Their Goals
a. You probably have seen this one a million times but we still have to throw this one in.
b. Getting them to write their own goals not only makes them committed to the goals, but also engages their minds on what they want (seeing the car or the mansion) and gives a bulls eye to reach it.
2. Get Them To Write Out Their Successes, No Matter How Small
a. Most sales people neglect all the little successes they have and instead focus on close or no close. While that is how they are judged in a company, in reality, sales is a process and has several steps. Mastering each step is an accomplishment on its own.
b. Show them comparisons (show them that unsuccessful sales people call only 1-3x).
3. Get Them To Write All The Reasons They Have To Succeed
a. The why is the most important (ie., why are they in sales)
b. The more "whys" they have, the more things that will keep them motivated despite occasional setbacks.
c. And it's your job to understand their motivations (what they want and are interested in.). Show them how doing well in sales will give them that, and they will be happy.
4. Get Them To Write Out All The Possibilities and Consequences For Their Success
a. What could happen when they accomplish their goals.
5. Get Them To Write Out What Could Happen If They Fail
a. Most people do things (or not do things) to avoid something. Get them to write out their fears and negative outcomes if they DO NOT reach their goals/succeed.
6. Reframe Things For Them, and Then Show Them How To Do It Themselves
a. In the beginning, reframe objections and rejections for them.
b. Example: sales person says "I'm a bad closer", then you say "You aren't a bad closer, you just haven't mastered the skills yet"
c. Show them how to do it themselves so they can reframe objections/rejections on the spot and continue calling.
7. Sales Is A Process - Break It Down For Them
a. Process: The time you first talk to someone to the time you close them are a few steps , show them each step. They require mastering systematically.
8. Practice
a. Sales is like acting, must rehearse constantly.
b. Go through potential scenarios with them (Mad, skeptical, pleasant, immediate buy, foreigner)
c. Record them (voice or camera) and let them see their performance.
d. Also, how are they perceived, what is their body language, what is their tonality like (annoying people rarely sell well).
9. Help them overcome their fears
a. Rejection, failure, and public speaking are the top fears and cripple most people from reaching their goals.
b. Work with them on those.
10. Walk Them Through Their Failures
a. An expert closer may leave because he is too frustrated, if only a little more attention was paid in the right areas, he would shine.
b. Walk him through his process and show him what happened.
c. Most sales people don't have the tools to understand frustrations, mental things, psychologies etc. They just assume really bad things about their abilities.
11. If One Person Discovers Something That Triggers A Response In Prospects, Test It And Then Show The Others How To Use It.
a. Corning example: Top salesperson didn't say much , he just went to prospects and hit a glass (the glass he wanted them to buy) with a ballpene hammer. It didn't shatter and he closed practically every deal.
b. Sometimes other sales people will say "oh I couldn't do that", that is where you the sales manager or trainer comes in: show them how to use it, motivate them to be able to use it well.
12. Accountability
a. They have to be held accountable for their progress
b. Have daily meetings. One in the morning to discuss daily goals, One in the evening to discuss successes/results.
13. Lastly, Make Them Proud To Be In Sales.
a. Nothing happens in this world without a sale.
b. Sale could be an idea, a cheque or getting someone to go to the movies with you that they don't want to see.
c. People think negatively about salespeople. Just a knee jerk reaction and is nothing personal.
In general, sales people are only as good as their training. With the proper tools, you can shape sales people to your will without all the frustration at their lack of performance. And if you show them how to use those tools themselves, you can create a legion of super closers.